A large flowered out facing asiatic lily for sale in 2017 for the first time. Large flowers with thick petals of white and a defined flush of rose pink extending from the center. Frosted green throat with just a few spots scattered at the beginning of the pink flush. Pink fades or is reduced in size based on the weather and fades with time once open. My notes make mention of 'mega bud count' repeatedly, this summer (2017) I counted an average of 22 fuzzy buds on each stem. It also multiplies well which means you will have an established clump in no time. Blooms mid to late July with lush deep green foliage on stems up to 1.4 M tall.
- Ib/c Asiatic hybrid
- Hybridized 2001
- Not Registered
- Bred by Fred Fellner
- Exclusive to Valley K