Fred's Red asiatic lily
Fred's Red asiatic lily

I am pleased to introduce you to Fred's Red! Bred by Fred Fellner who shared it with me back in 2008, it has proven to be exceptional for garden growing and flower production. As with many of Fellner's hybrids it is also botrytis resistant. Here in Zone 3 it grows 1.2 M tall and taller and begins to bloom the last week of July and continuing well into the 2nd week of August, so it has a great long bloom period as well as a tremendous bud count. I am unsure who named it to tell the truth.

Fred shared it with 2-3 other people as well as me and told me a few years ago 'they' had dubbed it Fred's Red. I have made inquiries about who was going to register it but have had no response back from these other people and it is just too good to sit on and not share!

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