Keeper Lily
Keeper asiatic lily

It has taken some time to see its 'true colours' as it was agonizingly slow to propagate on its own but good golly it was worth the time invested! Pictures speak for themselves in many cases....

Topping out at just under 1 M tall, deep red blooms are side-facing, large and formed inside fuzzy buds - I have a thing about fuzzy budded lilies, ha! Creamy white, frosted nectary provides stark contrast along with the bright flash of greenish-yellow in each nectary furrow. Fine dark spots start at the end of the frosting and extend halfway up the petals. Those fuzzy fat buds produce secondaries frequently and open to equally fat petals with orange pollen, and the Hummingbirds never leave it alone. Immature bulbs have produced no less than 25 flowers per stem, mature ones double that!

  • Ib/c Asiatic
  • Bred by Fred Fellner
  • Hybridized 2003
  • Registered 2022
  • Exclusive to Valley K!
  • I am Canadian!

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