Terry's Pumpkin Lily
Terry's Pumpkin Martagon Lily

An unregistered, never-before-released martagon seedling hybridized by Terry Willoughby, grown from seed he gave away numerous years ago. It was affectionately named by the grower before passing them on to me.

I have had it growing & blooming here just 2 short years and had every intention of keeping it for myself, however it has done very well and an initial planting has tripled itself in size and quantity in this short time. It seems to be a sturdy garden variety not held back by too little, nor too much rain - since it had both cases consecutively in its short life here. Unfortunately as I was keeping it for myself I took no notes on its growth habits, so I am 'guesstimating' height at 1.2 M. Flowers are pendant with classic martagon features, including orange pollen and lots of purple spotting spread throughout 2/3 of the petals; starting in the throat as very fine spots which get larger in the center. Orange shades to darker orange on the outer margins, it blooms on mottled stems in late June to early July.

* I will need to update with more photos of this before summer ends as the photos currently used were taken the same day it was initially dug and replanted here in my garden - it was hot, dry and they were more than a little peaked after travelling laid flat with other martagons layered on top in my vehicle!

  • II Martagon hybrid
  • Hybridized by Terry Willoughby
  • Fragrant
  • Exclusive to Valley K!
  • I am Canadian!

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