No longer sold here but here is the variety info...
Asiatic lilies are the hardiest lilies available and are often mistakenly called tiger lilies. Flowers from the asiatic class have different bloom orientations and vary dramatically in height and color. There are usually 3 to 12 flowers per stem, which open from late June through August. Some can have over 50 flowers per stem!
Asiatics are very hardy with amazing strength and substance. They are also virtually pest free!

- Parent Category: Asiatic Lilies
- Category: Pink Asiatic Lilies
- Hits: 1838

- Parent Category: Asiatic Lilies
- Category: Pink Asiatic Lilies
- Hits: 1336

- Parent Category: Asiatic Lilies
- Category: Pink Asiatic Lilies
- Hits: 771

- Parent Category: Asiatic Lilies
- Category: Pink Asiatic Lilies
- Hits: 1770

- Parent Category: Asiatic Lilies
- Category: Pink Asiatic Lilies
- Hits: 898
Pink Asiatic Lilies Article Count: 61
Did you know that there were no pink lilies before the 80's? Hybridizing has come a long way in a very short time. Light pink, dark pink, all shades of pink lilies can be found in this category. There is no shortage of pink lilies at Valley K Lily Ranch due to my own penchant for pink!
Red Asiatic Lilies Article Count: 60
Red lilies can be difficult to capture the true color when taking photos and it doesn't matter if they are old fashioned print types or digital photos, some shades of red are so elusive! Often lilies in this category may appear a deep shade of burgundy or more pinky-purple than red.
Orange Asiatic Lilies Article Count: 63
Orange flowers, just like Yellow flowers are often shunned by gardeners because the colors are so common. Don't ignore them as they often produce the strongest and most vigorous long lived varieties to be found! They also show up the best in the garden, contrasting well with greens & browns.
Yellow Asiatic Lilies Article Count: 46
Yellow lily varieties are often ignored by gardeners because the colors are so common. Don't forget that they show up the best in the garden contrasting well with almost everything and can produce a stunning effect when planted near or with blue flowering perennials and annuals. Literally a splash of color!
White Asiatic Lilies Article Count: 38
White lilies can produce a beautiful display in a dark corner of the garden, often brightening it up when in bloom. Plant them with contrasting reds and oranges for a nice effect.
Bi-color Asiatic Lilies Article Count: 83
Lilies in this category contain more than one color in the petals. Quite often bi-color lilies bloom differently from year to year depending on the weather and temperatures at bloom time. Under cool conditions they will bloom with vivid colors and the contrast is stunning in some cases. Under warm or hot conditions, they may appear washed out or fade very quickly.