Often we are asked what lilies bloom early, and what lilies bloom late. The result is this list - please note the bloom periods are as they bloom HERE - at my location in central Alberta, Canada. They may differ at your location, and often the weather plays a huge role as well.
Dry, late spring means shorter, later blooming lilies. An early spring will often move the bloom period up as much as two weeks. A heat wave in early July will push them right into blooming earlier than normal, while drought may push them to bloom later. Every year it's a crap shoot really! This list is NOT all inclusive of everything we have growing, and of course there is always room for errors. You can find photos of all varieties within the photo galleries.
EARLY SEASON BLOOMERS (mid June to early July)
Agrippa | Ambrosia | Artistic |
Assisi | Brushstroke | Buff Pixie |
Center Stage | Cinnamon Toast | Claude Shride |
Coco | Connecticut King | Debra Jeanne |
Denia | Deshima | Double Creamsickle |
Dr. Porter | Dream | Enchantment |
Fairest | Flirt |
Good Night |
Granny | Helios | Honey Pink |
Honey Queen | Juanita | Ladies Choice |
Lollypop | Loreto | Marlene |
Medaillon | Melissa Jamie | Merryspring |
Mrs. R.O. Backhouse | Nubian | Orange Pixie |
Peach Butterflies | Petite Pink | Pink Pagoda |
Pink Pixie | pumilum | Raspberry Butterflies |
Red Carpet | Rosepoint Lace | Rusty |
Sally Jo Ann | Sassy | Selina |
Stones | Sundrenched | Tiger Babies |
Tinkerbell | Towering Turk | Tropicana |
Virginia | White Lace | White Picture |
Wine Pixie |
AB Bi-color | AB Dark Red | AB Orange |
AB Pink | AB White/Melon | Baronesse |
Aladdin's Dazzle | Aladdin's Sun | Alaska |
Alexis | Alyssa | Amarone |
Antarctica | Aphrodite | Apricot Glow |
Silverwood | Beaudacious | Bestseller |
Bi-color Ballerina | Black Butterfly | Black Dragon |
Black Jack | Blue Eyes | Brianne |
Brushed Bronze | Burnished Rose | Byam's Ruby |
canadense var. rubrum | Candy Dulfer | Celine |
cernuum | Cherished | Chianti |
China | Chippendale | Chocolate Soldier |
Classic | Colosseo | Contrails |
Corsica | Creamy Belles | Crimson Pixie |
Dalhansonii | Desert Peach | Donna Sylvester |
Dynamico | Edith | Embarassment |
Fangio | Fata Morgana | Fellner Mix |
Fire King | Gale's Favorite | George Slate |
Gironde | Golden Age | Gran Cru |
Gran Paradiso | Happy Thoughts | Hello Dolly |
High Flight | Ibarra | Iowa Rose |
Italia | Kharma | King Pete |
LA Mix | La Vie | Latoya |
Latvia | Lilian | Lillass |
Maria Callas | Marseille | Massa |
Master Gardener | Menton | Midnight Passion |
Milano | Mind Game | Minstreel |
Miss Alice | Mona | Monte Negro |
Montreux | Moonshine | Mother Theresa |
Nellie's Choice | Nerone | Night Flyer |
Night Lights | Northern Lights | Oprah Winfrey |
Orange Mountain | Orange Tiger | Parfait Frost |
Parkland Orange | Pasteur | Petite |
Picotee Lace | Pink Butterflies | Plum Crazy |
Pollyanna | Purple Reign | Raspberries & Cream |
Red Blaze | Red Galaxy | Red Raven |
Red Velvet | Rodeos | Romano |
Royal Lace | Royal Club | Royal Love |
Royal Parade | Royal Paradise | Royal Perfume |
Royal Present | Royal Respect | Royal Sunset |
Ruby Tuesday | Saint Patrick | Salem |
Sally | Salmon Classic | Salsa Dancer |
Samur | Sans A Tout | Scarlet Heart |
Science Fiction | Sheri Katherine | Shiraz |
Shocking Pink | Smokie | Snow Leopard |
Snow Peak | Snow Storm | Soiree |
Soprano | Sorbet | Spacious Living |
Spark | Sphinx | Spirit |
Strawberry Vanilla Latte | Summer Night | Sungod |
Sundance | Suntan | Sutter's Gold |
Sydney | Tahitian Dawn | Tiffany |
Toronto | Twilight Life | Vermeer |
Willow Wood | Yellow Tullican |
LATER SEASON BLOOMERS (late July, early August)
AB 91-105 | Adelina | America |
Apple Blossom | Brauner Bar | Cancun |
Coppertone | Corrida | Ed Brooman |
FF88 Select | Golden Splendor | Indian Brave |
Jasper | lankongense | Moneymaker |
Morden Butterfly | Nomade | Philos |
Pink Peach | Red Pine | Regatta |
Shirley | Shirley Marie | Simonet |
Solaia | Tristar | Windsong |
Wing Commander |
LATE SEASON BLOOMERS (mid August or later)
Acapulco | Anastasia | Arabesque |
Cartouche | Casa Blanca | Catherine The Great |
China Express | Citronella | Con Amore |
Easter Dawn | Easter Morn | Gardenja |
Golden Stargazer | Journey's End | Kissproof |
Le Reve | Leslie Woodriff | Mediterrannee |
Mona Lisa | Northern Beauty | Northern Carillon |
Northern Star | Northern Sensation | Pink Champagne |
Pink Tiger | Pompei | Port Alberni Tiger |
Red Tiger | Rhodos | Rising Sun |
Robinson's Comet | Rosato | Rosy Wonder |
Royal Dream | Scheherazade | Siberia |
Silky Belles | Silk Screen | speciosum rubrum |
Starburst Sensation | Starfighter | Stargazer |
Sterling Star | Tom Pouce | Touch |
Uchida | White Tiger | Woodriff's Memory |
Yellow Star | Yellow Tiger |